This is a category II classified tourist office.
Belongs to the Offices de Tourisme de France® network and undertakes to:
- Provide you with an easily accessible reception and information area.
- Assist you with your tourism plans.
- Offer you seating.
- Provide you with free information about local tourist attractions.
- Offer you free Wi-Fi access.
- Display and disseminate information on opening times, in at least two foreign languages.
- Be open at least 240 days a year including Saturdays and Sundays, in the tourist season and during events.
- Reply to your messages all year round.
- Provide a reception desk staffed by personnel speaking at least two foreign languages.
- Provide visitor maps and guides in paper form.
- Provide access to its trilingual website.
- Disseminate tourist information in hard-copy form, translated into at least two foreign languages, with details about:
- all officially categorised visitor accommodation, listing (as a minimum) the establishment name, postal address, e-mail, website, telephone number, and classification level;
- monuments and cultural, natural, or leisure attractions; this information may include admission or user fees, hours and periods during which they are open to the public, website, phone number, and postal address;
- events and activities;
- emergency telephone numbers.
- Update its tourist information annually.
- Display the emergency telephone numbers outside.
- Present the entire, verified offer of visitor amenities, for its entire coverage area, for all customer categories.
- Address your claims and/or complaints and assess your satisfaction.
- Honour a quality control policy.
- Have a visitor advisor on hand to guide you.
- Ensure that the local tourism information provided is reliable and up-to-date.